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Skirtchaser 01-06-2007 06:25 PM

wirless interference
Anyone ever have a cordless phone that confilicts with broadband signal?
I am on a wireless tower, which is on my property. The phone signal breaks ie connection. will resume after phone is hung up.
Any suggestions???

SilverRiders 01-06-2007 07:34 PM

wireless interference
Many things can interfere with a wireless connection. A cordless phone, a microwave oven, a baby monitor.

You've identified it as the phone itself, solution would be to change physical phone to either a corded phone or a cordless that is NOT 2.4GHz range. leaving you with 900 MHz older tech or 5.8 Ghz newer tech.

NEW 5.8 GHz cordless phones: are they better than 2.4 GHz? is a good explanation of the frequencies so you can decide. As they state in the article, if you're buying it to deal with interference make sure you get a full 5.8GHz phone not a dual-mode that can give you better battery life but will still use the 2.4GHz and interfere potentially.

William_Wilson 01-07-2007 02:39 AM

I have had this issue once, the best way i found around it (usually it's a 2.4GHz phone and a router which shares the signal) switch your phones to a channel above 12 if possible, then switch your router from the standard 6, to channel 11. This channel i usually reserved for specific devices (not portable phones), that the average person does not own.
To be honest i have done some research on this, and the first 6 channels on your router have different numbers, but emit the same frequency.. atleast close enough as to not matter. Channel 1-6, 7, and 11 all have reasonably unique signals, but i still say go with 11.

native 01-07-2007 01:33 PM

you do have your jacks on a filter right?

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