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stephyowns 07-29-2008 04:27 AM

Windows Vista help PLEASE desperate!!!
I was trying to clip pictures to microsoft onenote and i pressed the link for the picture and for some reason the link opened up 1000000000000 times and i couldnt stop them from opening so i panicked and turned my computer off by pressing and holding the button ( i know, bad). when i logged back on, my computer wouldnt let me open One note , i tried system restore and it wouldnt let me do that either it says:

Windows has detected file system corruption on OS(C:) you must check the disk for error before you can restore.

I press check disk for errors then it says it cant check while its in use.
it says to schedule a disk check for when my comp starts up again and when i restarted it didnt do it. Im so stuck, i just got this computer and its already ruined!

PLEASE HELP ME, Ask if further details are needed!


squirrelnmoose 07-29-2008 01:31 PM

You can try to run the disk error checking. From my computer, right click on the drive and select properties, click on the tools tab and under Error-checking select check now. It should check the drive for errors on reboot. Then try system restore again.

If that doesn't work you could re-install one note.

stephyowns 07-29-2008 05:48 PM

I did try doing that, but it says i cant check disk for errors while in use, it says it will do it when i restart but when i do it doesnt do it.

I tried uninstalling microsoft office, since all of the programs dont work. but it wont even let me uninstall.
it says :

Error 2330 setup cannot get attributes for file C:\programfiles\microsoftoffice\office12\1003.Veri fy hat the file exists in your system and that you have sufficient permissions to update it.

efbishopsa 07-29-2008 07:08 PM

When your computer boots up; did you try to boot into the command prompt and run chkdisk?

Wombat 07-29-2008 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by efbishopsa (Post 11929)
When your computer boots up; did you try to boot into the command prompt and run chkdisk?

The correct chkdsk command to run from the cmd prompt is chkdsk C: /f

stephyowns 07-29-2008 08:54 PM

ok after trying that it says :

Access denied as you do not have sufficient privilages.
You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode.

Wombat 07-29-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by stephyowns (Post 11931)
ok after trying that it says :

Access denied as you do not have sufficient privilages.
You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode.

Login as the Administrator and run it...

efbishopsa 07-30-2008 10:50 AM

What you can do if you are arleady logged in, you can right-click on the Windows Icon, Explore, go to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe then right-click and "Run as." To run as administrator.

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