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raven 02-14-2006 01:32 AM

Wifi networking in McDonald's
Have you hear that McDonald's now has wifi networking in some of their restaurants? I know 2 of the restaurant near me has wifi. And all the public libraries in my city have wireless wifi in the library.

Sami 02-14-2006 03:03 AM

Yes McDonalds is providing wifi since 2003, I guess not all the restaurants have it yet, but most of them have it here in New York, New Jersey area.

Not only McDonalds, small mom & pop cafe's are also providing wifi access now a days to attract customers.

khokhar33 02-25-2006 05:06 PM

Is there any wifi resturant in UK

Originally Posted by Sami
Yes McDonalds is providing wifi since 2003, I guess not all the restaurants have it yet, but most of them have it here in New York, New Jersey area.

Not only McDonalds, small mom & pop cafe's are also providing wifi access now a days to attract customers.

Is there any Macdonalds or any other resturants in UK with wifi?

Opeth 02-27-2006 01:09 PM

I'm sure they are khokhar. There are plenty here at Argentina, so I'm sure UK has more. Try using this tool to locate them.

JadedSage 02-27-2006 08:44 PM

I can't say I knew this, but as snazzy as it is, I'd choose Starbucks or any other coffee shop with WiFi over McDonald's anyday. I just don't see myself hangin' out with a cup of McDonald's coffee, playing on my laptop. :p

Opeth 02-27-2006 09:32 PM

I was a big fan of McDonald's, mainly because of my working hours and because there are some open 24x7. But ever since I watched that movie (can't remember it's name) where a guys eats only there for 30 days and gets extremely ill, I prefer to go elsewhere or make my coffee at home :)

ChatMod#1 02-28-2006 01:40 AM

My school just 2 months had wifi networking and stuff like that installed. But the problem is that it lags a lot, when logging in.:(

JadedSage 02-28-2006 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Opeth
I was a big fan of McDonald's, mainly because of my working hours and because there are some open 24x7. But ever since I watched that movie (can't remember it's name) where a guys eats only there for 30 days and gets extremely ill, I prefer to go elsewhere or make my coffee at home :)

It was Supersize Me. I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen clips here and there. I never ate at McD's before then, but hearing about that move secured that permanently. :eek:

zCon 03-01-2006 02:21 PM

Yeah, McDonalds food is horrible. I still eat it once in a while though... It just tastes good I guess... They must have some low-level addicting drugs in it or something!

ChatMod#1 03-08-2006 01:42 AM

I only eat food from KFC, Lazy-Moes, Pizza Hut, and even McDonalds in only like once every 2-3 months only.:)

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