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SysChat » Hardware Tech Support » Motherboards » What kind of Mobo u have??


Which motherboard is best for me? etc.... Discuss all the diffrent motherboards and problems that come with them!

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Old 04-02-2006, 07:45 AM
Dubh Ghall Dubh Ghall is offline
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Default Hope this aint OT, for my first post.

Is it just me, or do others feel the same way?

I quit buying the top of the range MBs and processors, 3D graphics and surround sound cards, some time ago.

My reasons for this are simple -

1st: I am not a gamer,
2nd: I do not watch movies on my computer.
3rd: For the most part, I do not use sound, other than as tell tales

My primary uses for my computers, are Photo editing and storage, Usenet News Groups, Forums such as this one, and keeping in touch with the family, most of whom are in Australia.

For Photo editing, I need a a good 2D, graphics card, and as much memory as can be crammed on the MB.

I have found that *good* 2D cards are hard to find, and getting harder to find, daily.

In fact, I think it is several years since anyone has made one.

Super fast, all singing, all dancing, half a gig of on board memory, type gaming cards, just do not offer me any improvement when it comes to editing, over what I can get with the built in graphics firmware on most boards.

For Usenet, or e-mail, only the speed of your connection makes any real difference

For chatting on line, IRC, or with the family (M$N or Skype), I have found that even with the best equipment I can get, web cam and voice transmission, and reception, are mediocre to lousy.

So now, I buy the board that will take the most RAM, I install the biggest HDs can afford, and rely on good software for everything else.

Am I the only person who does not play games with very loud sound fx, and/or music, on his PC.

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