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Debraherrose 10-04-2011 08:19 PM

What can I delete?
My computer has become to slow, it says my virtual memory is low and I need to delete things in add and remove. I have already followed their step by step in the Power Boost for windows but I'm not sure what to remove from the next step. I have looked up many programs and security updates but do not know what is a safe and and what is useless. Such as can I delete security updates for Windows XP and Internet Explorer from past years, or do they all work together? Also, Microsoft .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0 & 3.0 SERVICE PACK 2, HOTFIX FOR WINDOWS XP, UPDATES FOR WINDOWS XP, SECURITY UPDATES FOR WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. There are so many for each year, I don't know if they must stay or are taking up memory. Thank You for your help. Debra:confused:

DominicD 10-12-2011 03:17 AM


i suggest you use "CCleaner"
this previous thread contains more information

CCleaner is smart enough to detect the old "temp" files that your computer no longer needs, and it will delete them for you.

you can also check right now with your Recycle Bin. Empty the contents of the recycle bin and it should give you more free hard drive space.

JeffHarris 11-05-2011 12:32 PM

If your computer is saying that your virtual memory is low, then either: Your virtual memory settings have been set too low, you have too many programs open, or there are unwanted programs open that are hogging your memory.

Get CCleaner from Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET and run that to clear some space on your hard disk. Do the swap file mod above.

See also:
Windows XP Low on Virtual Memory | Techvy

JeffHarris 11-05-2011 12:47 PM

If your computer is saying that your virtual memory is low, then either: Your virtual memory settings have been set too low, you have too many programs open, or there are unwanted programs open that are hogging your memory.

Get CCleaner from Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET and run that to clear some space on your hard disk. Do the swap file mod above.

See also:
Windows XP Low on Virtual Memory | Techvy

delocknomean 12-30-2011 01:07 AM

If you delete and un install something from operating system than you can do it from control panel and operating system registry, because if you are deleting directly than some registry can generate some virus file in your pc.

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