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Adds2011 06-12-2011 02:15 PM

What is the best free net nanny type software?
Hi I want to know what Is The best **** Blocker out there is, pref one that is free, no free trial BS, just free...I have a friend that opens **** sites on my computer and is constantly downloading questionable material...

Please Help me.. I tell him not to and he does it antwayys, maybe is there a **** blocker for a network??? I have vista home basic another is windows 7

b1caez01 06-13-2011 06:08 PM

In the absence of any software...start here...

The best "bit of software" is your own eyes ;) Don't let him near your computer without you standing over him...especially if he is young and immature, which appears to be the case.

Next option: set up your system to work under login orders only..i.e. you must login to access anything...especially your browser settings...crank them up to the top levels from the "tools" button.

DominicD 06-14-2011 01:47 PM

Hello, though it might not necessarily be kids that you want to control the internet access, many free parenting and child safety programs are available AND are fit for your needs of internet filtering.

I suggest you try “K9 Web Protection”. I have not personally used this, but its been years now and ive always seen this FREE product receive good and positive reviews when it comes to internet filtering and being safe for kids.
Download here:

Per details from the website:
K9 Features to protect your children:
  • Web site blocking by category, including ****ography, illegal drugs, personals/dating, violence/hate/racism
  • Easy pre-set levels to choose from depending on the age of your children
  • SafeSearch enabled on all search engines to show cleaner search results
  • Time restrictions, including NightGuard(tm), to disallow internet access during designated times
  • Custom “always allow” and “always block” lists for your personal preferences
  • Ability to override a block with the parent password
  • Tamper resistant for more savvy kids
  • Reports showing activity to categories of web sites
  • Real-time categorization of new web sites
  • Compatible with Windows or Mac machines

It has a good list of predefined categories for website filtering

Well, goodluck on trying this software, I hope you find it useful.


Just for reference, Windows Vista and Windows 7 both have “Parental Control” settings

The instructions below are from the Microsoft Windows Vista/7 Discussion
To turn on Parental Controls for a standard user account
  1. Open Parental Controls by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, and then, under User Accounts and Family Safety, clicking Set up parental controls for any user.
  2. Click the standard user account that you want to set Parental Controls for. If the standard user account isn't set up yet, click Create a new user account to set up a new account.
  3. Under Parental Controls, click On, enforce current settings.
  4. Once you've turned on Parental Controls for your child's standard user account, you can adjust the following individual settings that you want to contro
  • Time limits. You can set time limits to control when children are allowed to log on to the computer. Time limits prevent children from logging on during the specified hours. You can set different logon hours for every day of the week. If they're logged on when their allotted time ends, they'll be automatically logged off. For more information, see Control when children can use the computer.
  • Games. You can control access to games, choose an age-rating level, choose the types of content you want to block, and decide whether you want to allow or block unrated or specific games. For more information, see Choose which games children can play.
  • Allow or block specific programs. You can prevent children from running programs that you don't want them to run. For more information, see Prevent children from using specific programs.

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