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callbobby69 11-25-2007 03:19 PM

Vista 3D Screen Saver
I own my computer and am runnung as an administrator account .
When it's time for my screen saver to turn on , it won't do it and displays this message as a rotating and fade in/out ....
" Direct3D 9.0 is needed to run this screen saver , but can't be found . Please install the latest version of DirectX and try running the screen saver again."
It works perfect during the preview check ..screen blacks out and the 3D Text of the TIME comes on with the correct time in 3D and rotates with a see-saw motion , no problem's perfect .
I have Vista Home Basic which shows that DirectX 10 is installed , but the screen saver will not operate at turn on time instead of the message i am getting to install the latest version of DirectX .
To try and cover the bases , i have downloaded and installed......directx_nov2007_redist.exe....dx9we bsetup.exe.....dx90_sdk_extras_direct3d.exe....... ..and DXSETUP.exe .
This happens after i log off and leave the computer . At 2 hours later when the screen saver should come on , that darn message is the only thing that comes on again.
Any help ?


callbobby69 11-28-2007 10:58 AM

This may help.........i found that if i do not log off.......2 hours later the screen saver comes on just fine .

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