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Kloppstock 05-17-2007 05:06 PM

Unknown Router Issue
Yesterday i got some unknown issue with my computer, the portforwarding
for my router have stopped obey me no matter what i do, and have keep doing it seens, no P2P software works at all, but browsing the web works as usual
i have created a static IP for the portforwarding. and are using the same number-values as 2 days ago when it worked
only differene is i have reinstalled my OS

here is a guide to portforward my router
Port Forwarding for the Thomson/Alcatel SpeedTouch 780
have done this exactley as the guide suggest, as i have done it before a million times without eperiences any problems untill now

i know it will be impossible for you to help me with this, if you cant see my settings, so here comes all the settings i allways use thath usually works...untill yesterday (maximize the link windows fully)

here is a pic how my ipconfig looks without static ip activated
here is a pic how my ipconfig looks after portforwarding (current!)
windows settings (current!)
network deviced (1-2 of these is just soundcard adapters)
in deep view
this is ovisoly the right device? but should it really be ethernet?

and the ports i have setted to Unknown-00-16-0a-05-14-98 for in this case Emule is the same as the settings inside Emule...if we summe all this up, does it make any sense thath the port test us failing??

Emule Port Test

Testing IP: (
Starting TCP connection test...
TCP test failed! UDP test will not be performed is my real IP
it feels like the computer maybe refuse to understand thath it should be
my static IP ( it should have connected to in this test? ore how does it work??

i see 2 things thath offcorse happend yesterday thath just whas ment to confuse and screw things up for me in my effort to to find out the real causer-element

*I hade hughe problems loging in to my router yesterday
still no one knows why...afterwards its possible thath the problems started,
have no evidence thou

*I have just reinstalled my OS (2 times in the same day)
it only started to appear after installing Win XP the second time (same time-period as the router starting to refuse logging in..have no evidence thou and a possible memory loss when it comes to time)

is ther any settings issues?

any ideas is higly appretiated/Kloppstock

mhookem 05-17-2007 06:58 PM

Hello Kloppstock, I'll have a look and see if I can help. Although I can't read the bottom two images very well. Can you try re-attaching them.



Kloppstock 05-18-2007 08:18 AM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mhookem (Post 6543)
Hello Kloppstock, I'll have a look and see if I can help. Although I can't read the bottom two images very well. Can you try re-attaching them.



hope you can see the pics now

i have reseted the router many times, and XP firewall have been disabled from the start, my ISP allow P2P. it worked yesterday as last day..and have worked for a month..all this happpend wery fasst as i remember it yesterday..and whatever caused it did it permanent..seens i reinstalled the OS (for another reason ) and the **** was still there after

mhookem 05-18-2007 02:44 PM

Hello Kloppstock, I've managed to work my way through ( I don't usually speak swedish! ).

I think the problem might be when you re-installed your OS, try enabling your NetBios over tcp/ip.

You can enable NetBT for computers running Windows XP by opening Network Connections, right-clicking a connection, clicking the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, clicking Properties, clicking Advanced, clicking the WINS tab, and clicking the appropriate option in NetBIOS setting.



Kloppstock 05-18-2007 03:12 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mhookem (Post 6556)
Hello Kloppstock, I've managed to work my way through ( I don't usually speak swedish! ).

I think the problem might be when you re-installed your OS, try enabling your NetBios over tcp/ip.

You can enable NetBT for computers running Windows XP by opening Network Connections, right-clicking a connection, clicking the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component, clicking Properties, clicking Advanced, clicking the WINS tab, and clicking the appropriate option in NetBIOS setting.



im just glad you didnt believe thath was german!..thath is a common issue we often are being harassed for:icon_twisted: :tongue:

i have changed looks like it didnt do any effect unfortentley

i have myself tested all types of combinations now..however my memory tells me thath when it worked it didnt matter what settings i hade in advanced

here are the advanced settings



mhookem 05-19-2007 06:48 AM

Halla Kloppstock, try this link to microsoft support, start with method 2 and work your way through, let me know how you get on.

How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity with Windows XP

Kloppstock 05-19-2007 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by mhookem (Post 6566)
Halla Kloppstock, try this link to microsoft support, start with method 2 and work your way through, let me know how you get on.

How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity with Windows XP

Its solved now..i just wich i should have realized earlier thath it was the update for my network card thath was the criminal:llama:

Sweex - My Digital Life
this is the card i have..but oviosly it scewed it up even...not after reinstalling the computer without it thou :faint:

tack for your help anyway

mhookem 05-19-2007 11:31 AM

Good to hear the problems been resolved, if you have other problems in the future give me a shout.



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