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lele 08-26-2011 06:06 AM

Tips to break Windows 7 password
Setting a strong and uncommon password for one’s personal computer is usually a great method to guard computer system, but you tend to forget Windows 7 password. Then what to do if we are locked out of PC? The following will show you two universal guards to break Windows 7 password.

Tip 1 : Create a bootable Windows 7 recovery disk

Windows Password Key is made to reset lost password for Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 and Server 2003/2008, which may also help you develop this sort of a key recovery bootable disk to reset Windows 7 code, you require a blank CD/DVD or maybe a USB. Then follow the measures:

Step 1. Download Windows Password Key. In this step, you need to log in any available computer not yours (as you can’t log in your computer) download the tool and install it on that computer.

Step 2. Make a bootable CD/DVD or USB reset disk. In this process, you are required a blank CD/DVD or just a 2 GB USB. Run the program and burn the ISO image file to the disk.

Step 3. Turn to your locked pc, insert the disk. Your computer needs to be start from this disk. How should you do that? By Changing the bios setup, Press F2 when Windows starts, then use the allow keys to the BOOT tab. And select the CD-ROM (for DVD/CD) or Removable Devices (for USB devices) to the first.

Step 4. Break Windows 7 password.

The designed Windows 7 password recovery disk can safely and very easily reset forgotten Windows 7 password, it saves you much more time and trouble than reinstalling Windows OS, and will not likely get rid of any data in your personal computer.

Tip 2: Log in Windows 7 default Administrator account.

Windows 7 has a built-in administrator account which has no password in it. This account is created during Windows installation, and disable by default. You can log in as that account to Change your other account password by doing the following steps.

Note: Through this tip you need to enable Windows 7 default Administrator account before losing your other account password, as the default admin account is disable by default, only you enable it, will it appear in the log in screen.

Step 1: Start your computer and press "F8" while the computer boots up. The Advanced Boot Options screen appears. Scroll down to "Safe Mode with Command Prompt".

Step 2: Select the Administrator account that appear in the screen, then enter command prompt.

Step 3: Type: net user XXX 123456 and enter (XXX is the account which you need to break the password, and 123456 is the new password) it will show you a message that” the command completed successfully.

Step 4: Restart your computer, then you can log in as XXX with the password 123456. You can go to control Panel to change your account password if necessary.

The second tip does not promise you 100% to break Windows 7 password, as you may disable your Windows 7 default admin account. But the first tip can break your password with amazing rate.

brusestudery 08-20-2012 11:00 PM

Use Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery and Ophcrack, these are popular and efficient software that work for resetting a lost Windows 7 password.

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