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Martin Luther 12-22-2010 04:18 AM

shutdown icon
How to restore shutdown icon on windows xp pro.

Emily88 01-26-2011 05:37 AM

Hi, you may try the following steps:

Open the "Registry Editor." Open the "Start" menu, and click the "Run" command. Type "regedit." Click the "OK" button.

Exporting the RegistryClick on the "My Computer" entry on the top of the left panel in the "Registry Editor." This will ensure that the entire Registry is backed up. Then go to the "File" menu, and choose the menu item "Export." When the box opens, choose a directory to save the file in and then name the file. When finished, click the "Save" button. This completes the export.

Create the New DWORD ValueNow in the left pane navigate to the key:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr ent Version\Policies\Explorer." If the value "NoClose" does not exist all ready in the right panel, right click the "Explorer" sub-key and then chose "New" and "DWord" value. Name the new value, "NoClose."

Modifying the NoClose valueRight click "NoClose" (preexisting or just made) and choose the menu item, "Modify."

Assign a value of 0Change the value data to 0. Click the "OK" button.

Exiing the Registry EditorClose the "Registry Editor." On the "File" menu, select "Exit."

Shut Down buttonLog off or restart the computer and the "Shut Down" button should appear on your screen.

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