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esuorez 03-05-2006 07:17 PM

Just when I start to think about a bigger hard drive, Seagate starts having special pricing on their 300GB and 250 GB drives. My daughter, who once worked at a small PC assembling business, says that instead of welcoming the opportunity to save money; I should worry that they are unloading troubled merchandise.

Anybody have additonal information or advice? Thanks.

Firefox 03-05-2006 07:37 PM

Do you have a link to the offer esuorez? I would like to look at these HDDs. I wouldn't worry about below par goods though, as Seagate are a HUGE international corporation and would suffer greatly if they started shipping out naff HDDs, especially as Maxtor are very close behind in the HDD stakes.

I would say that Seagate may well be shipping out their smaller HDDs to make way for the new 500GB discs they have, plus they not long ago shipped the first ever PC to come with a 400GB HDD as standard so 250GB and 300GB HDDs will be surplus to their needs. But they will still come with Seagates warranty though :)

Sami 03-05-2006 09:50 PM

Hi esuorez,

Welcome to SysChat.

I have been using Seagate Hard drives since very long, they are very reliable. I don't think a Company like Seagate will try to unload troubled merchandise.

As Firefox said its just their marketing tactic to clear off their inventory of smaller HDDs.

Firefox here is the Link for Seagate 250GB HD for $69.99

ChatMod#1 03-06-2006 12:58 AM

I have also been using Seagate hard drives for quite a long time now. And have never experienced any kind of problem with it. I dont think wat u heard is right. They are quite popular and is one of the worlds top brands in hard drives.

esuorez 03-06-2006 12:04 PM

Thanks to all.

ChatMod#1 03-07-2006 01:28 AM

No worries. Glad to be of any help at all.:)

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