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dwarkarao 11-06-2009 01:31 AM

Repair "Ntldr Missing" error (windows bootloader file) During Booting
If your computer is displaying “Corrupt or Missing NTLDR” error message during the booting of your Windows OS, it implies that either the bootloader file of your windows OS is either corrupted of deleted.

"NTLDR" file is actually the bootloader file of all the Windows Operating Systems. Repairing the NTLDR bootloader file is quite simple, if you have Windows OS CD with you.

Below are the steps to fix NTLDR Error :

1. Switch on your computer and open the CMOS Settings to edit the boot sequence. Make sure that you choose CD-ROM as the primary booting device.
2. Insert Windows OS into the CDROM
3. Please press any key (when such message is dispalyed) to boot your computer from CD.
4. Select recovery console by pressing R.
6. Now at the prompt, enter the below command:

copy x:\i386\ntldr c:\

where x is the cdrom drive and c:\drive partition where windows is installed.
7. Now again at the prompt type the below command :

copy x:\i386\ c:\

where x is the cdrom drive and c:\drive partition where windows is installed.
8. At the command prompt type :

bootcfg /rebuild

9. Press the key “Y” whenever is asks to add installation to booting.
10. Next type the name of the OS to identify it in the boot loader.
11. Now type /fastdetect at other load options.
12. Exit from CMOS settings and restart the computer.

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