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chrissmom 08-04-2009 04:57 PM

Password protected Dell
I bought a DELL Latitude D820 Series from a swap meet over the weekend.
The guy told me that it was password protected and gave me what he said was the password.I must of really lookesd dumb that day cause lo and behold I got home turned the laptop on and entered the "password" and NOTHING!
I tried a couple more times thinking hey maybe I typed it wrong or something.STILL NOTHING.I even had my friend try.You never know! Well here I sit with a really nice laptop that I can not use unless I can get past the password.


Redheart 08-09-2009 03:39 PM

Is this a bios password or a log on password? When you start the computer up does it load up windows and then ask for a password or does it want the password prior to starting?

You can try removing the bios battery in the computer and letting it sit for abit. This sometimes works in removing the power on password, just make sure the computer has no power flowing into the computer by the battery or power cord. If this is a log on password for windows then just reformat the harddrive and reinstall an operating system.

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