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raven 02-15-2006 06:59 PM

Which online payment system do you use?
Which Online payment system do you use? I think the majority of people will say paypal. But I know not everyone in every country can use paypal.(like Poland)

Sami 02-15-2006 08:20 PM

Yes you are right majority will say Paypal, and I use Paypal too.

Its simple and easy to setup. Apart from couple of countries it does not support, overall it is very good payment system.

ChatMod#1 02-18-2006 04:40 AM

I have a question regarding Paypal. I am under 18, so will it be possible to have an account with Paypal?

William_Wilson 03-09-2006 09:35 PM

I'm not quite sure how it works, but i've read that you can setup a paypal account with interac/debit card now, and not just with a credit card, so you should be ok to setup an account, you could try e-mailing them?
I love paypal they make my life so much easier

twister 03-10-2006 01:15 PM

Im using both online payment.Paypal and Egold.But recently im not happy with paypal.They have froze my account for verifying process.I dont like it because it causes me delay.Anyone experience this before?

chrysalis 03-13-2006 12:16 PM

Tonnes of people experience the freezing factor and it's the worst thing about paypal. If it happened on occassion, then it's not a big deal, but so many people experience it that it's going to be Paypal's downfall if it does fall. Just type "paypal" into your google and find out what stories are out there. And read your user agreement to fully know what you're involved in.

chocolatee 04-01-2006 02:37 AM

i think most people use's easier to set up i think...

Juanzo 04-01-2006 04:42 PM

I do use Paypal too, though it would be great to support more countries. Here in Argentina they have a lot of restrictions, like in most of latinamerica countries.

avona 04-12-2006 09:55 AM

I prefer paypal , it's fast and really helpful in online payments and for global transactions

sigs 04-20-2006 06:16 AM

i wanted to know that does paypal work well in india. can money be sent through paypal from US to india and is their some minimum transaction amount required.

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