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gadis 03-15-2006 04:30 PM

new windows xp tips for optimized performance
I need some advice, tips and suggestions for my new computer windows xp home, I heard this os is most vulnerable.

I have already installed Spybot and it has Mcafee virus scan installed.

what are the other software's i need to install to be safe and also be optimized to perform like new forever. (one of my friends pc became dead slow after just one month)

Thanks again for your help.

Risherz 03-15-2006 04:47 PM

Well right now the best thing you can do for your computer is browse through the downloads section on SysChat that is filled with gems that can keep your new computer functioning properly (and secure). Other than that you might want to run auto update, and get all the latest patches from Microsoft and so on. You might also want to familiarize yourself with all the XP functions (since I think you were previously using Win 98 ).
Then make sure that you defragment your computer every single month, and use the Disk Clean up utility to keep it running swiftly. You might want to use task scheduler to do these tasks as well... And make sure that you update all your drivers as well, so that all your hardware is going to be running perfectly. You can also take a look here for some tips with people with new computer...
Oh yeah and one more thing (hmm... Steve Jobs' keynotes are contagious :) ) if you've bought your PC recently then you might want to take a look at this offer from Microsoft... ;), lol, I was just kidding about the last one...

William_Wilson 03-15-2006 05:28 PM

Since you have already broken the 1 rule that could guarantee that..
I'm talking about going on the internet... and i realize that was never a possibility!
Check out the tutorial on spyware and anti-virus

The best defence is to have a decent anti-virus, firewall and spyware program, run and update them often!!

Run a defrag every month or so.. less if you don't use your computer that often... i posted it.. um, maybe not on this site how to create a defrag scheduler for multiple drives, it's not hard: create a shortcut with path defrag C: for example to defrag C drive, then edit the properties for times and frequency.

Most of all, avoid server downloading programs if you can! Those programs wreak havoc on your system, filled with back doors and spyware! If you must use one... and i assume you do, lol. Be careful which components you allow through your firewall, not all files associated with the downloader actually need access to the internet.

*I format more frequently than the average person, but my computer is still running great, and i haven't formatted in over 2 years.
(NOTE to self... probably past due for a format :D)

Mikeg 03-16-2006 03:52 AM

Some good advice there fellas, I would get rid of Spybot and use either Microsofts Windows Defender or Webroot Spy Sweeper for fighting off Spyware. Just because the software is free doesn’t mean it's always the best choice. If I was you I would invest in Norton Internet Security 2006, they have vastly improved on this version from previous versions. Norton will protect you from Viruses, Spam, hackers etc.. Good Luck! and keep everything updated on a DAILY bases.

ChatMod#1 03-16-2006 04:20 AM

I would suggest getting a good spyware, antivirus and also a good firewall. I would suggest Zone Alarm Complete Suite.:) Also download all the latest updates and upgrades for windows and all other software. You can get the download from windows catalog. Good luck.:)

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