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William_Wilson 03-13-2006 08:21 AM

Mod your msn
I've decided to post this here, because you will need a .dll/.exe editing tool such as Visual Studio .NET
try closing your msn and using VB .NET opening the following files:
*and feel free to try the rest!
This will allow you to change icons, menus, dialogs and a few other things, have fun!

Risherz 03-13-2006 07:56 PM

Wow, nice. If I were to mod msn I would just installed the theme packs and so on, which automatically mods MSN. Tweaking around with system files isn't quite great when you don't know what you are doing. And of course, changing anything to your liking is going to take a while as well...

Oh well it's still good to know that you can change a few things around if you wanted to. (btw If I'm correct, isn't it illegal to change things around in MSN? well even if it is illegal I don't think it matters anyways...)

ChatMod#1 03-13-2006 08:18 PM

I dont use msn anymore. I use Trillian Pro. It's a pretty handy messengr and only takes up a maximum of 30Mb and u can have MSN, YAHOO, AIM, ICQ, IRC, SKYPE, and many many more.:) And u can put ur own smilies and stuff, and u can also download different templates for it.:)

William_Wilson 03-13-2006 10:14 PM

Trillian is definatly a nice program, and i don't know about the legal issues, just sayin it's there to be messed with. You won't wreck the program only the visual aspects available with this modification, like text and images. All string tables cannot be modified this easily, and i imagine that could mess the program up.
msn packs are nice, but i'm the do it yourself kind of person :D

ChatMod#1 03-14-2006 05:24 AM

Oh k. If it's like that, then i wouldn't mind changing a few stuff, after i download it.:)

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