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Robeth 04-07-2007 05:51 PM

JavaScript and Macromedia Flash Player Problems
To Whom It May Concern:

How do I enable JavaScript? I keep receiving an error message that I need to update to the latest version of Macromedia Flash Player or enable JavaScript. I downloaded the latest version of Macromedia Flash Player, version 9; however, the youtube and playhousedisney websites will not accept the change or allow my family to play games or view videos. I would appreciate any help that you can provide me.

Thank you.

Sami 04-10-2007 01:02 AM

Enable javascript in Internet Explorer
To enable javascript in IE 6 or IE 7

In Internet Explorer goto -> Tools menu
Select -> Internet Options -> Click Security tab.
Click -> Custom level... button at bottom.
The Security settings dialog box will open.
Under Scripting category enable -> Active Scripting and Scripting of Java applets
Click OK

Robeth 04-10-2007 06:12 PM

Enable Javascript

My IE security settings where already defaulted to enable active scripting and scripting of java applets. I appreciate your assistance regarding this problem.

Take care,

AprilB 04-11-2007 02:54 PM

Same problem
I have had the same problem for some time now, and have not been able to figure out what is wrong. I have downloaded the flash player several times and checked the IE settings and I still can't view alot of things. Does anyone know how to fix this problem.

Sami 04-11-2007 04:28 PM

1. Try alternate browsers like Firefox to make sure Flash is working fine.

2. Check your firewall settings

3. Some aniti-spyware's block flash, check settings there too.

AprilB 04-11-2007 06:25 PM

Thank you for responding.....I downloaded the Firefox and went to and was not able to view it. It said i needed to update my flash player and again I downloaded it, and still nothing. I checked the other things you mentioned which did not help. In all the research I have done to try and figure out why I am getting this problem, I think it has to do with IE and Adobe flash's new security updates, but when reading into it, I am not understanding all the computer lingo. I can't beleive that there aren't more people with this problem.

tfoster277 04-16-2007 10:51 PM

Same problem
I am having the exact same problem! I have downloaded Flash 9 a zillion times, and nothing. I have checked my active controls, reloaded, deleted old Flash, downloaded IE7, and ALL the other suggestion from Adobe, and NOTHING! This is rediculous. No Disney, no You Tube, no Flash media! Help!

Sami 04-16-2007 11:11 PM

Can you give us more details about your PC,

1. Operating System
2. Service Pack
3. Firewall
4. Antivirus and Antipsyware
5. When the problem started (after installing any software etc..)

AprilB 04-16-2007 11:59 PM

Windows XP Home edition service pack 2
Defender Pro Anti-Virus firewall security
I believe the problem started after an automatic update in IE. The look of internet explorer changed, and I think that is when the problems started happening. Everytime I open a page that has the need for flash player I get the dialogue box asking if I want to download the macromedia flashplayer, you say install and it will then allow that certain banner or whatever it might be to run. But for some reason I can't even get into, it says to update the flash player, and after you do, it still says the same thing.

Sami 04-18-2007 01:34 PM

Please try these fixes from adobe

1. Adobe - TechNote : Flash movies do not appear after installing the Flash Player

2. Some Internet utilities, such as Norton Internet Utilities, perform functions similar to a firewall and may restrict viewing of ActiveX controls. You need to ensure that your firewall or utility settings are set to allow ActiveX controls or you can't view Flash movies in Internet Explorer.

3. The most common cause of Flash movies failing to display is the presence of pop-up/ad blocker software that specifically targets Flash content. To find out more about this issue, see Flash movies do not appear after installing the Flash Player
(In IE7 make sure popup blocker is disabled)

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