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gullycan 03-11-2011 07:51 PM

Internet Dial Up Connection Acer Extensa
Using MWorks USB Modem to connect with Internet.
Lately the Internet connection button or Icon in Status Bar continues to have the red cross on it even though am connected to Internet, like right now.
Earlier the red cross on the Internet icon in Status Bar disappears no sooner Internet connection is made.
Kindly explain what's wrong with my laptop and how to rectify the mess.
Thanks and Cheers

kaycee 03-11-2011 08:15 PM

Gullycan, sometimes things like this happen.. especially when with modem even others..I'd say it's just either a modem error or even a pc error.. sometime when I encounter these kind of issues, I usually restart my system, modem or disconect and reconnect. usually the problem is soved if it's not a major issue..

gullycan 03-12-2011 08:32 PM

Status Bar Internet Icon has Red Cross on always
Thank you Sir for your words of confidence -- yet am unable to have the red cross removed even after many times of removing the modem from PC and restarts of PC. Now that SpyBot is installed and it is scanning now -- and my PC is functioning a lot better.

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