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zwarrior22 11-15-2008 11:58 PM

Internet Browsers Not Working Please Help
Hello everyone,

I am a new user on this site.. hope i can get some help. I run WINDOWS VISTA OPERATING SITEM, latley i had Internet Expolrer and Firefox and was trying to install google CHROME to see its new interface and it did not let me install it.. anyways point is... FIREFOX stped working as a BROWSER it would not connect even tough i have CONECTION cause ARES AND WINAMP RADIO AND MY MSN AND YAHOO WORK.. i UNINSTALLED IT AND INSTALLED IT , worked than did not work again.. i was only using EXPLORER then EXPLORER also STARTED PLAYING AND NOT WORKING IT JUST ACTS AS IF THER IS NO CONECTION.. anywasy NOW i am using my WINAMP INTERNET BROWSER which is pretty weak.. until maybe some one can help me out with the problem.. i assume my comp does not have any viruses i have AVG and and AD AWARE also in NETWORKS i did check out and everything looks LEGIT... if anyone has any IDEAS as to what HAPPENED please let me know..

antonio:sconfused: :( :( :sconfused:

squirrelnmoose 11-16-2008 01:20 AM

Do you have a third party firewall, like Norton, Zone Alarm or other installed?
Try turning off your Windows or third party firewall to test connection in IE and Firefox.

If it worked with your firewall off you need to allow those applications to connect in the firewall settings.

Chrome install shouldn't have affected your internet connection in other browsers.
I installed Chrome and have IE7, FF3 and Opera installed on Vista without any issues.

Also you could restore to when they were working.
System Restore: frequently asked questions - Windows Vista Help

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