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dwarkarao 01-19-2010 08:42 AM

iBin – Create A Recycle Bin On USB drive
How often do you find the Recycle Bin of your computer useful? A number of times on daily basis, at least I think so. And I know that there are number of people, who thank for having a Recycle Bin in their OS as it lets them to recover deleted files, if they are not deleted permanently.

So have you ever felt the need of a similar Recycle Bin in your USB / Flash drive? I know you have. Suppose you give your flash drive to your friend and find that he has deleted few of your important document. Then by having a recycle bin in your USB drive will let you fetch those files back, provided they are not deleted permanently.

iBin is an wonderful utility tool which lets you have a Recycle Bin on your Flash Drive. Below are the steps to create a Recycle Bin using iBin:

Step 1: Download iBin by clicking HERE.

Step 2: Extract the downloaded file and copy the EXE file into your Flash Drive

Step 3: Now run that EXE file on your flash drive and that will create a Recycle Bin in it.

Now, whenever you try to delete a file, a window will pop up and ask if you want to delete the file with option buttons like ERASE, CANCEL and DUMP INTO iBIN. So, when you click on DUMP ON iBIN, those deleted files will be dumped in the created recycle bin.

You can allot the size of the created recycle bin by handling the options in the Preferences and you can easily recover back those files using the iBIN folder.

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