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AYMG 05-10-2009 01:42 PM

I have a Windows CD, now what?
i have a windows CD and im wondering how to completely wipe out my whole computer cus it just sucks. im curently running in safe mode (at this very moment). are there anything i need to do specifically or do i just run the disk and follow through? i have used it before but only just to repair windows and keep files.

IM: [email protected] (for step by step cus i can use my mom's laptop.)

i just popped in the CD and iots loading stuff...
ok, probably the last edit, maybe not...
i have windows already but i want FACTORY SETTINGS, do i repair or install a fresh copy of windows?

lurkswithin 05-10-2009 05:14 PM

Never use your email address on a public forum Now go edit the post again and remove the email address.

You have a windows you have the License to go along with that CD? If not then you are wasting your time using it to reinstall the operating system as it cannot be activated without the license.

If it is a restore CD that came with the computer that is fine. If it is a copy that someone loaned to you is ok as long as you are in possesion of the license that matches the version you have.

Let us know what it is you have and we will go from there.

AYMG 05-10-2009 07:03 PM

i got bored of waiting... :P
i have it installed but now i keep getting an error about:
The application has failed to start because ODBC32.dll was not found. re-installing the application may fix this problem. i did but samething.
another error:
the logon user interface DLL msgina.dll failed to load.:mad:

lurkswithin 05-11-2009 10:31 AM

The best bet for the logon missing dll is to do a repair installation. This is done by waiting till the second repair option shows up in the prompts. What it does is reinstalls XP over itself.

The ODBC32.dll was not found. error is usually caused by the installation microsoft office as it is what uses the file. This file is not standard in XP . It was standard in windows 98 and ME

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