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dwarkarao 01-21-2010 09:17 AM

How to turn a scanner and printer into a Photocopy machine?
One small and nifty portable program can convert the combination of a scanner and printer into a Photocopy machine, namely iCopy. If the concept sounds a bit confusing, then let me tell you more about iCopy.

If you are having a scanner and printer connected to your computer, you can sync them both using iCopy and the combination (supported by iCopy) will work as a Photocopy machine.

All you need to do is run this small program, use the scanner to scan the document and use the iCopy user friendly interface to take the print outs.
So, this makes you make use of a VIRTUAL Photocopy machine.

Below are some of the features of iCopy:
•Easy to use Graphical Interface
•Plug in the scanner and make use of iCopy to activate your virtual photocopier
•Settings related to the print out can be easily changed
•Offers Print Preview option
•Scan Multiple Pages before printing
•Program does not require any installation

Since iCopy is a portable program, it does not even consume much of your computer’s resources.

Download iCopy

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