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dwarkarao 11-19-2009 09:27 PM

How to rename file extensions
If you have been using computer for quite a while then you might be aware of the fact we can change the extensions of any file that we want. But now the questions is how do you actually change the extension of any file.

Below are the two methods:

Method 1:

Step 1: Click on the START button to open the CONTROL PANEL.
Step 2: Now, inside the Control Panel, open the FOLDER OPTIONS and then click on the VIEW tab.
Step 3: Here, make sure that you have not selected the option labeled as ‘Hide file extensions for know files’. And click on OK button.
Step 4: Now you can see the extensions of all the files present in any folder. You can easily rename them.
For example, syschat.html to syschat.txt

Method 2:

This method is more efficient as it enables you to rename the extensions of multiple files together.

Below are the steps:

Step 1: Click on START button and type “cmd” in the field provided after clicking on the RUN button. This will launch the Command Prompt.

Step 2: Now find out which directory has your files and type

For Example:
cd d:\dwarkarao\

type: dir and you will be provided with what files are in your folder.

type: ren *.gif *.rar (here .bmp extension will be renamed to .rar extension)

d:\dwarka>ren *.gif *.rar

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