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dwarkarao 11-19-2009 09:26 PM

How to save online flash game on your computer
Who doesn’t like playing online flash games? They do not cost you anything and are the best time pass. But what if you like any of the online flash game and would like to play them offline. I am going to share a trick which will help you save online flash games on to your hard disk so that you can play them even when your computer is not connected to Internet.

Step 1: Log on to the web site where you can find flash games and let the particular game load completely (make sure you do that that in Mozilla Firefox Browser).

Step 2: Once the game loads completely, click on the TOOLS button on the Main Menu and there select on the option labeled as PAGE INFO.

Step 3: Now, click on the MEDIA tab on the dialog box that opens. Here look out for the components related to that particular game. To do that locate the term EMBED under the TYPE category. That particular file is actually the .SWF file.

Step 4: Select the .SWF file and click on SAVE AS button.

That is all. Now you can open that Saved file and play that particular game even when your computer is not connected to internet.

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