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dwarkarao 11-14-2009 05:01 AM

How to Make Acrobat Reader Load Faster?
Acrobat reader is undoubtedly listed as the application which is used regularly by almost all the users. And most of us usually get irritated by the time consumed by loading process of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Here is an amazing trick, which will reduce the loading time of the Acrobat Reader:

Step 1: Navigate to the folder namely READER in the installation folder of the Acrobat Reader. In my computer, its “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader”

Step 2: Now, there open the folder named as “PLUGINS”. Cut all its contents and paste them in the folder named as “OPTIONAL”

NOTE: Do not COPY the contents; you need to cut the contents. And make sure that the Adobe Reader is closed while you are performing these operations.

Now you will notice that the Adobe Reader does not take much time while loading any PDF document.

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