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dwarkarao 01-07-2010 03:51 AM

How to fix/repair winsock.dll Errors
Winsock.dll errors are actually errors which do not allow you to connect to Internet. And sometimes, occurring of this error will cause frequent Internet disconnection.

These are not any kind of registry errors, so you need to be patient while you are removing these errors.

The computer may present the user with an error message similar to one of the following:
• "The file winsock.dll is missing."
• "This application failed to start because winsock.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
• "An error occurred while renewing interface 'Internet': An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket."
• "This page could not be displayed." (Occurs when using Internet Explorer, but can refer to other errors.)

First of all let us know what is Windows registry. It is a collection of files and data that are attached to different settings on the computer. Various user preferences, program settings and other data that pertain to the background workings of the PC are stored in this place. Every time you install or uninstall a program, new files are created in registry. Sometimes when you install or uninstall any program it may leave certain entries corrupted and unusable.

Now we came to know that registry is so delicate and controls various important things on our PC. If any program have been recently added or deleted, restoring them to their previous status may restore the Winsock.dll file. So if any computer settings are recently changed then we have to try restoring them as well to fix the error.

Last but not the least, if the registry is needed to be fixed then the winsock registry keys should be deleted. We have to make sure that we take the backup of the registry first.

Below are the steps to repair the Winsock.dll registry entry :-

Step 1: Click on the start and select RUN.
Step 2: In the Run box, type regedit and click OK.
Step 3: Find the below registry keys and delete them.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Winsock
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Winsock2

Step 4. Restart the computer which will make the computer to create new winsock registry keys.
Step 5. Go to Network Connection and click on Internet Properties.
Step 6. Choose Install, then Protocol, then Add.
Step 7. Choose "Have disk."
Step 8. Type " C:\Windows\inf " and click on OK
Step 9. From the list, choose "Internet Protocols (TCP/IP)" and click on OK.

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