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dwarkarao 01-25-2010 01:37 AM

How to fix problems with MP3 audio files?
There are various tools in the market which can fix few problems related to the MP3 files but the tool that we are going to talk today is called MP3 DIAGS and it can fix the problems up to 50 related to the MP3 files. Now you might be thinking what kind of problems do we have with the MP3 files. There are things such as missing album art, poor sound quality etc.

How to use it?

Step 1: Open the new session after downloading MP3 DIAGS.
Step 2: A window will come up, select the mp3 files which you want to fix (Make sure you have the backup as the original files will be used to fix up the problem)
Step 3: Choose the destination location of the output files to be placed.
Step 4: You can select the advanced features by selecting the preferences tab.
Step 5: When you are done with this, Click on OK.
Step 6: An another window will open up. That will show all the MP3 files selected. These files will be highlighted against the features like aa, ab, ae etc. The explanation of which will be provided at the bottom of the window.

Features of MP3 DIAGS.

•There is an inbuilt tag editor which adds missing tags.
•Adds album art to all the missing albums.
•Fixes the problem of missing normalization data.
•Works with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Try it, it would be very useful for those who uses i-pods.

Download MP3 Diags

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