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dwarkarao 11-06-2009 04:02 AM

How to fix damaged or corrupted ZIP files?
You personally have faced many situations, when you download a ZIP file from your mailbox or from a web site and find that its either corrupted or damaged while you try to Unzip it.

But when do these ZIP files actually get corrupted? This happens when CRC values of the original ZIP file mismatch to that of the extracted files. When such an incident happens, we cannot unzip that particular ZIP file.

DiskInternals ZIP Repair is the free program which allows you to repair such corrupted ZIP files and lets you to extract its files and folders.

Below is the procedure to repair damaged ZIP files using DiskInternals ZIP Repair:

1. Open the DiskInternals ZIP Repair
2. Now select the particular ZIP file which is corrupted
3. Now choose the destination path for the program where it can save the repaired ZIP file.
4. Now, you can unzip the new repaired ZIP file to access its contents.

Download DiskInternals ZIP Repair

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