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dwarkarao 12-10-2009 04:37 AM

How To Fix Any Bluetooth Driver Problem Of A Laptop
All the latest laptops are coming with inbuilt Bluetooth support. Personally I have faced problems with installing drivers for my Bluetooth many a times.
Once I re-install the operating system on my laptop, I fail to install the drivers of the Bluetooth device. So, even though I have got Bluetooth in my laptop, I seldom use it.

Bluetooth Driver Installer is a free program which takes care of almost all the problems related with Bluetooth drivers. Below is the procedure to use this program:

  1. First uninstall the actual Bluetooth drivers installed on your computer
  2. Now restart the laptop, and you will find that the OS will prompt you to install the Bluetooth drivers, you simply click on CANCEL.
  3. Double click Bluetooth Driver Installer.exe and follow all the instructions.
  4. Now the program will take care of all the issues and will fix them automatically.

And if you wondering how it works, then there is no rocket science behind it. Bluetooth Driver Installer actually installs the generic Microsoft driver which tends to solve all the related problems. And this method is also called as PATCHING.

You can even use this program to install Bluetooth either if you have lost its drivers or when they are not working for any odd reason.

Download Bluetooth Driver Installer

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