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dwarkarao 11-18-2009 05:32 AM

How to Create A Shortcut To Safely Remove Your Pen/Flash Drive
How do you actually remove your USB drive in a safe manner?
You "right click" on the icon located in SYSTEM TRAY and then click on the button labeled as “SAFELY REMOVE HARDWARE” to do it. But it might be a bit irritating if you need to do the same thing again and again. So, how about creating a shortcut on your desktop, which will enable you to safely remove the USB drive.

Below are the steps to create a shortcut to safely remove the USB sticks from the USB drives:

  1. Press the right click button of your mouse on the desktop and then click on NEW and then select the button labeled as SHORTCUT.
  2. Now, you need to paste the below path in the location box:
  3. RunDII32.exe shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll
  4. Now you need to name the shortcut, you can name it as REMOVE USB.
  5. Now right click on the created shortcut and click on the option labeled as PROPERTIES
  6. Now, click on the tab labeled as SHORTCUT
  7. Here, you can assign a shortcut key. For example CTRL + F7
  8. And then close the window
That is all. Now you can use that shortcut to safely remove your USB drives.

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