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dwarkarao 04-01-2010 01:42 AM

How to convert YouTube videos into ring tones?
Many times it happens when we want to have a video which we saw on YouTube as our ring tone. You must be thinking that it is a lot of pain as you have to download it and then you have to convert it as if follows a big and hectic procedure. Then try tube2tune. The following steps will help you how to use the same:

Step 1: Open YouTube and find the video that you want.
Step 2: Copy the URL of the video.
Step 3: Open
Step 4: Enter the URL in the box where it says “Search or enter the video url” and hit search button.
Step 5: A new page with open up with a unique video player. Click on play and then start recording the part which you want as ring tone by clicking on Record button.
Step 6: When you are finished then click stop.
Step 7: After clicking on stop button, Click on Create button.
Step 8: It will ask you to agree terms and conditions. Accept the terms and conditions.
Step 9: There are variety of formats that it can be converted into.

NOTE: Only 40 seconds of ringtone can be made.

Tube2Tone is real fun. Try it.

Tube2Tone - Convert YouTube videos to Ringtones for your phone

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