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dwarkarao 02-09-2010 02:45 AM

How to change the drive Icon in Windows 7?
Now this might sound a bit awkward but there are people who want the drive icon to be different than the normal one. For them we have got the solution.

There is an utility called SevenDriveIconChanger which has been built just to change the drive icon in Windows 7. Now let us understand the working of it. This utility fetches the icon files in the format of .ico and uses them as the icons for the drives.

When you download this utility and run the application a window will come up where you can select the drive for which you want to change the icon like (c: , d: etc ). There will be a browse button using which you can select the .ico file present anywhere on your computer and click on change icon. That’s all drive icon for the respective drive will be changed.

Download SevenDriveIconChanger

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