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dwarkarao 04-27-2010 07:39 AM

How can you hide the Computer Files and Folders using MyLockBox?
Many times there are so many files present on our computer which we may want to hide on our computer so that others may not have access to those. There is an option available using which we can hide the files or folders that we want.

Some times that option may not help us and we go for encryption tools where we just encrypt the files or folders but that will not solve the problem. We want the files and folders to be hided no be encrypted.

MyLockBox is a freeware utility which may solve the problem. This will hide the files/folders and they can be retrieved back using the password. One special feature of it is you can create a hot key which can directly take you to the hidden files straight away. Some of the features of the same are given below:

·Very easy to use.
·Any folder you want can be password protected.
·It is not accessible even by the system administrators.
·Can be protected even in the safe mode.
·Last but not the least, its free.

Download MyLockBox

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