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dwarkarao 12-18-2009 10:55 AM

How To Add Administrative Tools to Start Menu in Windows 7
Windows 7 is an ultimate delight for all types of users. No matter you are a student, engineer, designer, blogger or any other profession, Windows 7 offers you with the best of computer resources.

If you are into Administrative tasks, launching the Administrative Tools might be a bit of pain as you would not like going into Control Panel every time. So adding Administrative Tools to your Start Menu will save a lot of your time.

Below are the steps:

Step 1: Right click on the START MENU and then click on the option labeled as PROPERTIES.

Step 2: This opens the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” and under the Start Menu tab, click on the button labeled as CUSTOMIZE.

Step 3: Now, scroll down and select the option labeled as “Display on the All Programs menu and the Start menu.”

Step 4: Now click on OK button, that is all.

Now, you can see the Administrative Tools in the Start Menu of the Windows 7.

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