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mthimbane 11-14-2007 05:20 AM

Hi All

I would like to know how to change web hosting from a web hosting company and host it locally on my network. I have a public static ip address and I want to make my computers log on to my domain.
Please help urgent.

squirrelnmoose 11-14-2007 11:06 AM

I don't think there is a short answer for that one. There are a bunh of issues with security, bandwidth and also read your ISP's contract. If you have home service most will not allow you to host your own (if you get caught) and will disconnect your service or require you to upgrade.
Do a search for setting up a server.

You probably want to find something Linux based.
I use xampp for testing localy, easy to set up if it has the services you need I would recommend it.

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