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dwarkarao 12-26-2009 11:02 AM

File Splitter – Split and Merge Files In Seconds
Personally, File Splitter is a kind of program that I use number of times each day. During this modern day of Internet, this kind of software helps you to handle big files as attachments.

File Splitter is actually a free program that does not need any installation. It is not only capable of splitting the files into parts but also capable of merging those parts into a single file.

Using this program is so very easy. Once you launch this program, you need to mention the path of the file to be split. Then you can choose the size of each part or you can choose a customized size of your own. Then by clicking on the SPLIT button will split that file into parts of mentioned sizes.
And the same program can be used to merge those parts also. Once you choose the first part of the program and click on JOIN button after selecting the path of destination, it will soon merge those files into one.
Since it does not consume much of your computer resources and the fact that File Splitter will offer you a great help with your mailing activities, this becomes a must have program on your computer.

Download File Splitter

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