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dwarkarao 01-16-2010 06:21 AM

Feel like God with God Mode in windows 7.
Before starting with everything I would like to ask what do you understand by God Mode. If some of you have played games and tried using the cheat codes then there comes a mode called god mode where in you get full health, full ammo and you get invisible sometimes. But what do you understand by god mode in windows 7.

God mode in Windows 7 means you can have all the system configuration settings at the same place. In general all the settings like devices and printers, desktop settings, administrative tools etc are present at different places in the system.

Now you should really feel like god as you have all the system settings at your finger tips. Don’t you feel like god now. To activate this god mode on your computer all you need is to follow the below given simple steps:

Step 1: Create a new folder on the desktop.

Step 2: Name the folder as


Note: The word GodMode can be replaced by any name you want but it should be followed by .{ ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Now you can see that the icon on the desktop is changed and when you open that folder you will come to see all the settings at one single place.

There are various other settings which can be accessed from there.

Try this and Feel Like God !

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