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redz 01-13-2006 04:00 PM

Favorite MMORPG
what is your favorite mmorpg (Massive multiplayer online rpg)
Mine was Diablo 2 , then i switched to maplestory and played it for a long time. I think most people love Final Fantasy online :).

CMan 01-13-2006 08:58 PM

I really liked Asheron's Call, best MMO of its time. I now play WoW and I think its pretty good, especially if you have friends that play. I have also played EQ and EQ2, but I thought they were terrible. Now its time to wait for Vanguard. =D


bongo 01-18-2006 01:45 PM

rose online is nice too...anyoe play b4?

raven 02-11-2006 08:13 PM

I have been playing Diablo 2(pc). I love that game alot. I even have it for psx(just Diablo 1). My friend just told me about maplestory. And just started playing this week. Graphic wise I like Diablo more.

eShutterBUG 02-11-2006 08:17 PM

I'm looking forward to Dungeons and Dragons Online, but for now it's probably Diablo or World of Warcraft. Both great games, though I haven't played them much.

Knightmare 02-23-2006 01:10 PM

The only massive multiplayer I got addicted was Helbreath (which was really crappy compared to nowaday games)

twister 03-10-2006 01:16 PM

Its probabaly be Ragnarok and MU online.Anyone have played this one before?
Its a cool game.I also love Rose Online.But due to busy schedule I cannot play the game that long unlike before.

outofbreath 03-29-2006 09:53 AM

My favorite would have to be Ultima Online because it got me started on MMORPGs in 1998 or was it 1999?

Really don't like WoW despite its millions of players

Everquest is okay as was Anarchy Online which I only played briefly.

Dark Ages of Camelot was okay for a week.

I've seen a lot of people play MU which is some Korean game, but it looks like a Diablo2 clones to me.

sarahjane 04-06-2006 01:38 AM

Everquest is still my favorite. My husband got me hooked many years ago, and we took a break for a while and tried some others, but we are back again and really enjoying it.

blindlt 09-18-2006 09:45 AM

My favorite is Lineage II

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