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Przybor 10-26-2012 07:58 PM

dos access to USB Serial TTl adapter

My mane is Ron , and I am retired (I was in IT for almost 30 years). With all this time on my hands I am trying to write a basic program for home security and another for a robotic lawn mower (I’m getting to old to cut grass). I am using GW basic and have some older laptop PCs with USB ports. I would like to use DOS98 or DOS 7 as the OS and be able to access a USB Serial TTL adapter and USB Stick Memory as my boot source. Do you have driver(s) that I could use or even point me in a direction on how I might be able to access the USB Serial TTL adapter? Any Ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time

Ron Przyborowski

[email protected]

mhookem 10-27-2012 04:05 AM

Hello! Not really my thing but I'll see if I can't find you some useful resources over the weekend.

Good luck..

Przybor 10-27-2012 09:11 PM

Thanks for looking into it.
Thanks, I can use all the help I can get.

mhookem 10-28-2012 03:34 AM

Try these.

DosUSB - providing USB support for DOS

USB Host Software

USB 2.0 drivers for DOS

Bret Johnson's Home Page

Przybor 10-29-2012 12:59 AM

Thank you for the leads. I have seen the USBDOS site,but being retired I'm trying to keep these project on the cheap. I will check out all the other leads and let you know if I find anything.

Thanks again.


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