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Muhammad Haris 12-10-2005 01:19 AM

Do You Smoke?
This topic was very popular on a few forums, so I decided to post it here.

Well, do you smoke?

I don't.

Optimit 12-10-2005 04:22 AM


DKN 12-10-2005 08:26 PM

No, it smells very bad. Even though my college does not allow people to smoke inside, it's still a bother when I walk right outside the doors and all I smell is smoke because of people smoking there. My clothes then smell very bad and I feel sick. So I usually just hold my breath when I walk to the buildings.

aniar 12-21-2005 10:44 PM

no, i heard its bad, pft its probably all lies :P i dont do it, cuz it costs too much...ya..

billz 12-27-2005 06:49 AM

smoke what i smoke tobacco weed has other herbal smokes, i hate smokeing tobbaco but weed opens your mind

ChatMod#1 01-23-2006 06:50 PM

Nope. I'm smoke free.

Missie 02-04-2006 02:34 PM

I smoke some times. Just cigarettes not drugs or anything.

JadedSage 02-28-2006 10:54 AM

I smoke sometimes. I've started and stopped a few times but have never been a smoker for more than a year's time. I don't smoke regular cigarettes, I think they taste disgusting. I smoke clove cigarettes, which are really just regular cigs with cloves rolled in. They smell and taste incredible... and they make a lovely crackling sound when burning.

I just got a job at a health organization with an anti-tobacco campaign, so I'm guessing I won't be smoking again anytime soon......

ChatMod#1 03-01-2006 12:53 AM

Lol. If you smoke you are a smoker. It really doesn't matter how long you smoke for. Till the time you stop smoking for ever, then only will you be a non-smoker.

trappercase 03-16-2006 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by ChatMod#1
Lol. If you smoke you are a smoker. It really doesn't matter how long you smoke for. Till the time you stop smoking for ever, then only will you be a non-smoker.

I guess that makes me a "yup". 4-6 a day.

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