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bddl 07-17-2007 04:06 PM

devoid warrenty
has anyone heard of voiding warrenty on changing os back to xp?? why would that happen Dell told me that my warrenty would not be effective if I were to xp instead of using vista,(too slow)

mhookem 07-18-2007 09:12 AM

That'll be Dell for you, my brothers' got a dell package and he wanted to put another HDD in, but the tower has been designed so that there isn't anywhere to put it!

There obviously a bit funny about their systems being altered with, I couldn't even partition his drive for Vista because of the hidden partitions that won't allow partitioning software to work. It seems the only way to do it is to completely wipe the drive first.:sconfused:



bddl 08-14-2007 12:28 PM

wiping drive?
martin, you stated wiping drive, is that the way to take off vista to install xp pro? I have decideded not to keep vista but I am hesitant to try installing xp pro, because of research I have done regarding vista home premium, they state the business or ultimate are the only os that you can downgrade from , have I misunderstood what they are talking about and should I attempt to do this myself or find a computer tech to do it?

mhookem 08-15-2007 03:19 AM

Partitioning Your Dell PC
Hello Bddl, If you want to revert back to XP you can just install it over Vista but personally I'd keep Vista as I can't see any reason for getting rid of it if you've got it.

You can just put XP on as well and have dual boot, although you might want to check with dell if your worried about your warranty.

There is a tutorial that you can use on this site for creating your dual boot environment, it's pretty straight forward.

But if you really want to wipe the drive and put a fresh XP installation on your PC then I can guide you through it and save paying for a technician to do it, it's also pretty straight forward.



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