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DominicD 04-07-2011 02:09 PM

Defensio is the Facebook Security App
There are numerous apps for Facebook – games, surveys, quizzes, quotes, and reminders. While these apps are entertaining and helpful online tools for your social networks, a small number of Facebook apps seem to be fake, and cause only unwanted Wall spaming. Keeping a good online reputation on Facebook may be a social concern, but the bigger picture is that rogue Facebook Apps can do more harm - stealing your personal data, spamming friends to infect them with the rogue app, and in the end stealing and spamming everyone with malicious content on Facebook. Enter Defensio, the security-antivirus-antispyware Facebook App.

Even the privacy and spam conscious facebook user can be victim to a seemingly innocent and simple application that is posted from a trusted friend or family member. Add a second line of defense on your Facebook account with Defensio. Defensio is a free App that installs on your Facebook account.

Defension is powered by the security expertise of Websense. Defensio installs on your Facebook account, it watches incoming Wall Posts, Comments, Photos, Videos, and News Feeds, for any known spam or malicious content. Defensio uses the power of Websense database for checking of possible spam and harmful content as posted by you or other people in your Facebook account.

How Defensio Works
1. All incoming wall post, comments, pictures/videos, and all other media where you are tagged is checked by Defensio
2. Defensio checks the content based on the huge security databse of Websense.
3. Detected Bad content are removed and made subject for your approval

Defensio Facebook Installation
1. Login to your Facebook account, and then open the url Defensio Social Web Security on Facebook | Facebook

2. Install the Defensio Facebook Application

3. Defensio needs an email address where you can be notified of alerts.

4. Choose the Free version of Defensio

5. Defensio will detect your personal Profile and other Facebook Pages that you can manage, choose which to protect.

6. Click on the Settings link to configure your protection settings

7. You can customize more advanced protection options by accessing your account on the Defensio website. Simply browse to Defensio · Security for the Social Web. It will automatically detect your Defension Facebook app installation.

The Defensio website allows you to customize from a wide range of protection settings. This powerful feature is made possible by the security databse of Websense. Gain full control of your Facebook security with Defensio.

Defensio is the Facebook Security App
Defensio is free for personal use and on small companies with 5 employees. This extra layer of security is of great help in making sure that your personal and business Facebook accounts are protected even when you are offline. If a Facebook friend tags your account on a photo/link/video that contains questionable content, this can put a negative impression on your personal/business image. While you can untag yourself from these manually, remember that Facebook never sleeps. Customers and colleagues can view realtime when you have been tagged and associated to bad content. Defensio prevents this by watching your Facebook account 24/7. Take 5 minutes of your online social networking time and install Defensio now, it’s your Facebook Security App.

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