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ammpy 05-25-2007 11:26 AM

Customizing User Account Icon
In windows XP, users have the capability to create their own user accounts. This is essential especially to computers that are being used by 2 or more people. User accounts enable data security and privacy. And to add some spice on this feature, users can have their own pictures as their account icon. Windows comes with at least 20 different pictures to choose from.

Here is a tip on how to customize your user account icon:
  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Click on User Accounts.
  3. Click on the user account that you would like to change the icon.
  4. Click on the text: “Change My Picture
  5. You could either choose from the predefined icons or from your own set of images.
  6. If you want to choose from the predefined icons, just click on the picture you would like to use and then click on “Change Picture” button.
  7. If you wish to use your own picture, click on the text “Browse for more pictures”, then choose the picture you want to use and click Open.

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