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fren 06-12-2007 03:30 AM

cd drives

Is it possible to place two cd drives (cdrom & cdrw) on the same channel?

Sata drive - boot drive
Ide 0 - hd
Ide 1 - cdrom


William_Wilson 06-12-2007 10:12 AM

I assume the above is your current configuration?
I also assume it is:
IDE 1-0: hd
IDE 1-1: cd-rom

Most motherboards will have a different coloured IDE connector or labelled cd, if not assume it is the IDE numbered 1. You can indeed connect both cd drives on the same IDE cable, I have it setup this way right now.

fren 06-12-2007 11:10 AM

I wish to add cdrw on the ide cable also with cdrom. Thank you for your advice.

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