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matthayou08 08-20-2008 03:51 PM

Hi, I have a Windows XP laptop and a blue screen pops out when I try to login onto my laptop and so I restarted the laptop and it keeps showing the blue screen. I have no idea what to do. I keep doing it over and over and the blue screen still pops out..

Please help me..

I cant go to safe mode because the blue screen pops out..

Everytime I try to log on, i wait for the Windows to finish loading then the options

Safe Mode

Safe Mode with Networking and so on pops..

And so I clicked fourth option and the blue screen pops. I've clicked all of the options but the blue error still pops out.

I have the blue screen error


:( :( :( :( :help: :confused: :confused:

lurkswithin 08-21-2008 12:32 AM

That error message is generally the sign of a failing harddrive or faulty operating system caused by a faulty hardware issue such as the harddrive has failed or the motherboard controller is failing. Most times it is because of bad sectors and lost data.

If possible slave the harddrive to another computer and run a

chkdsk /r or chkdsk /r /f

where r = locates bad sectors and tries to recover lost data

and f = fixes the disc

Wombat 08-21-2008 12:37 AM

The stop error 0x00000024 indicate a problem of NTFS.sys, its the file system driver, but could be the drive itself is faulty, or other things such as heavy fragmentation etc.

Try this first, boot from your XP CD and choose R, it leads to the recovery console and type this command chkdsk /f /r it checks and fixes errors if any...

Edit: Snapped by Lurkwithin...

lurkswithin 08-21-2008 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 12169)
The stop error 0x00000024 indicate a problem of NTFS.sys, its the file system driver, but could be the drive itself is faulty, or other things such as heavy fragmentation etc.

Try this first, boot from your XP CD and choose R, it leads to the recovery console and type this command chkdsk /f /r it checks and fixes errors if any...

Edit: Snapped by Lurkwithin...

Snap, snap, snap....nice beat there mate...something on the grounds of some early du-wop of the 50/60's??:pound: :whoo: :eyebrows:

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