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sudheer413 05-20-2007 08:13 PM

about a standard anti virus
i want to know about an antivirus software for windows 98 that can be trusted freeware

Risherz 05-21-2007 05:54 PM

Hey Sudheer,

Well I'm not sure if there are any anti-virus programs that still exist for windows 98, but you can use AVG (AVG Free Advisor: Free anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-malware tools) if you are using Windows 98 SE (second edition). But to be honest, I don't think you really need an anti-virus program if you are running 98, its pretty much immune to all the new viruses that are mainly written for XP, and there are almost (I'm saying almost because there might be a couple of viruses here and there that aren't known yet) no viruses for 98.

Cobalt 05-22-2007 06:00 PM

Perhaps a visit to Symantec's Threat Explorer will give you food for thought:

Threat Explorer - Symantec Corp.

Clicking on ten of the latest viruses at random revealed that Windows 98 was susceptible to all of them. Though many viruses are now written with Windows XP/Vista in mind, the majority are still a threat for users on older operating systems including Windows 98.

I too would recommend AVG as probably the best free anti virus application available. Regular program updates and a fairly swift response to new threats makes this an essential piece of kit for anyone without at least basic AV software.

computergeek22 05-23-2007 06:28 PM

norton works on all windows made :) :) :) :) :)

William_Wilson 05-23-2007 07:28 PM

norton is also worst overall anti-virus, yes it detects about 8% more viruses, spyware, etc than AVG, or Avast, but it also uses more than 3 times the resources, which is the task of many viruses themselves.

i would recommend Avast or AVG free editions, they are quite good and should have versions available for win98.

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