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Kamesh 12-13-2005 10:29 AM

A typical problem...
Does anyone know why the microphone would work yesterday, and not today? There have been no changes to the system at all. The microphone works on other machine, so it isn't the problem??????

Sometimes, the volume mixer doesn't always save its settings. So, you should check to see if the microphone is selected as a recording device and also if the volume is properly set. Check also that the micropone is correct type to for your soundcard. If the microphone has on/off switch make sure that is on.

If you are using Windows95 it might be a good idea to also check other multimedia settings. By uncheckin the "Use preferred devices only" box in the multimedia control panel can solve the problem sometimes.

---hope this information helps someone out.....

Optimit 12-13-2005 02:14 PM

I have also found that some software applications, can make changes in the sound properties of the PC. Example: Battlefield 2 will often times enable or disable microsoft boost on a system. You have to disable the Mic boost in the game, so that it does not change pc settings.

ChatMod#1 01-23-2006 02:07 AM

Thanks guys for sharing this with us.

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