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a_brewsy 03-19-2006 01:35 PM

a pc for your car?
how cool would it be to have pc in your car just load it with all of your movies music and stuff wack on a touch screen and boom ultimate car accesory

ChatMod#1 03-19-2006 05:56 PM

If you want to watch movies or hear music, then u dont have to have a pc in ur car, u just need a portable dvd player, with a screen, that's all. But the idea is good.:)

Risherz 03-19-2006 06:51 PM

Um... Alex, I believe this is the wrong thread to post these kinds of things. I think it'd be better to post it in off-topic chat. Now it I only was a Mod or something I could probably move this post... no actually wait a minute I am a mod :) . But oh well I don't want to mess around with this stuff...

I would love to have a PC in a car, mainly for navigation. For example I love the feature in the Lincoln Navigator, for example it tells you where you are going and so on, so if your car doesn't have that already then a computer might be worth it. Movies... not so much because it's a car so the screen is going to vibrate a little and all that and so on, and instead of a PC I would rather put in a DVD player or something like that. Although a PC with a touch screen is more cooler...

trappercase 03-20-2006 02:53 PM

It would be great to have a PC in your car. Great for mapping, like Richerz said, but games for the kids and I always miss the internet when it's not at my fingertips.

a_brewsy 03-26-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Risherz
I am a mod :)

yea how u become a mod anyhoo

Risherz 03-26-2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by a_brewsy
yea how u become a mod anyhoo

lol... :D
Oh yeah and I just though up of another reason why it's good to have a pc in your car... so that you can visit syschat of course! Yesterday I was going on a long road trip (okay about 3 hours or so..) and I just realised how boring it was not to be able to check some RSS feeds, and you know browse around on the net... I could have watched DVD's but that's just not as exiting as a pc.
But only one thing... only if all the towns had wi-fi... maybe then accessing the internet could be possible.

ChatMod#1 03-29-2006 02:54 AM

seems like brewsy wants to be a mod.:)

chocolatee 04-03-2006 02:15 AM

the idea of having a computer in the car is great i you won't have any reason to forget your computer at home...

katapilla 05-17-2006 09:51 AM

hmm i think a pc in your car is dangerous!! how much would your concentration be affected i wonder?? sat nav is bad enough to make you take your eyes off the road let alone a full blown pc. sorry to arin on everyones parade but ive seen too many accidents in my time.

Thumperfive 05-17-2006 02:15 PM

too dangerous! We already have enough accidents caused by idiots who are on their cell phones... who wants to get hit by some jerk who's busy playing Warcraft!

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