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Old 01-08-2008, 03:03 PM
sasquat4 sasquat4 is offline
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Looks like a have a bit more of a mess on my hands.....

Used Vista Install disk to try and remove partition on the XP Disk. Thought it was successful, exited the install and rebooted, would not boot into vista or XP. Repair on Vista install disk did not work.

Thought that I would then install XP on the 150gig drive that I wanted it on, did the install, everything went fine. Tried to format the C: drive that xp used to be on....formatting went all the way through until the very end when it said "Could not continue format". Tried to use EasyBCD and VistabootPro to reinstate the link to Vista...neither could find the Vista installation...cannot figure the proper drive designations to manually enter them in the boot file. Tried Vista Install Disk once more to try and repair Start-up, now it boots to Vista only, and can't find the XP install now. When looking under computer management/storage, it shows c:/ being empty, but its a (System) drive, so can;t format it, e: (boot)(system) drive with Vista on it and the f:drive where xp is doesn;t show as a (system) drive at all.

My original plan was to have c:\ 150gig as Vista d:\150 gig as XP (separate drives so that I could get rid of one of them easily if I felt I didn't need it) and e: and f: 500 gig drives for storage, either separate or in a RAID 0 configuration.

As it stands now, I have all my drive paths screwed up, computer thinking that the one 500 gig drive is a system drive that is unformattable, yet there is nothing on it. My boot file shows only one OS, can;t find the other one.

At this point I;m willing to start from scratch and redo everything. Will the "Kill Disk" program reformat a drive even though its an OS drive? If it will, I will Kill disk the 2 drives that XP is and was on, then unplug all the drives but one, reinstall Vista. Plud in the next 150 gig drive, install XP, then plug in the last two remaining drives.

If there is some problems with my logic, please let me know...I;m pulling my hair out at this point. Thanks.

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