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Old 01-07-2008, 03:22 AM
sasquat4 sasquat4 is offline
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For an update, used XP install disk, deleted partition on the 500 meg drive, tried to install on 150 gig raw, said xp needs to put some files on a compatible formatted drive. Doesn;t recognize the 2nd 500 gig drive even though it is NTFS and working fine in Vista, can;t format the deleted 500gig drive or the 150 gig drive.

Cancelled installation hoping that at least the xp drive would be wiped, couldn;t boot Vista...inserted vista disk, tried repairing install, couldn;t find a working copy of Vista. used recovery panel and tried the first option, (can;t remember the title) but it went through a bunch of tests, repaired a bad partition, now Vista loads, but it restored the 500gig XP Drive....back to square one!

I used easyBCD and the dual boot menu is gone as well.

I should also mention that all drive paths are different for the install from CD than they are in Vista or XP?????

Any help would be greatly appreciated...would like to avoid a total re-install of both OS's.

Last edited by sasquat4; 01-07-2008 at 03:23 AM.. Reason: addition
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